Innovative Steps for Buying Your Dream Car

一辆新车是仅次于房子的最昂贵的消费. That's why knowing how to make an intelligent deal is essential. 阅读更多!


1对于符合条件的所有汽车贷款借款人,首笔还款可延期90天. 如果你只支付最低金额,延迟付款将会延迟你的贷款的偿还,并导致额外的财务费用. The 90-day deferral program is subject to change at any time. 利率和条款是基于评估申请人的信誉,所以你的利率可能会有所不同. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Other restrictions may apply. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan.

2APR = 年度百分比 率. Actual rate may vary based on 车辆型号, 信用评分, 附加费, 贷款期限, 和贷款价值. The term of the loan may vary based on the amount financed. 所有的贷款审批都是基于标准的承销准则. Must meet existing auto loan guidelines to qualify. The rate cannot fall lower than 5.4月74% and will not exceed 18% APR. 借款人的利率不会低于基于期限的合格利率. All Credit Union loan programs, rates, terms & conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Payment example 1: $10,000 borrowed at 5.4月74% for 24 months = $443.11日/月. Payment example 2: $10,000 borrowed at 6.24% APR for 60 months = $194.45 /月.

3Must meet existing auto loan guidelines to qualify. The minimum refinance amount is $10,000. Actual rate may vary based on 信用评分, discounts and/or 附加费, 车辆型号, 贷款期限, 和贷款价值. The term of the loan may vary based on the amount refinanced. 2%的年利率折扣适用于竞争对手购买新车或再融资汽车的利率,只要年利率不低于Ten Credit Union在贷款期限内的合格利率. The annual percentage rate will not be lower than 5.4月74% and will not exceed 18% APR. Cannot be combined with other offers. 2%的折扣不符合目前由十信用合作社提供贷款的资格. Certain restrictions apply. All Credit Union loan programs, rates, terms & conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Federally insured by NCUA.

*年利率(APR)及期限视申请人的信誉而定. 利率 are subject to change at any time without notice. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. 此优惠不适用于目前由Ten Credit Union提供融资的贷款. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. Other restrictions may apply.


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  • Estimated monthly interest earned* $0
  • 每月 ATM fees refunded**$0
买和. 租赁计算器免责声明

这个计算器比较了购买或租赁车辆的成本. 有三个部分需要完成,您可以根据不同的场景进行调整和实验.

1. 车辆信息
2. 贷款的细节
3. 租赁细节

固定利率的定期定期定期存单比标准储蓄账户的收益更高. Use this calculator to get an estimate of your earnings. Move the sliders or type in numbers to get started.

是什么? compounding interval?
  • Total dividends earned $0
  • 年度百分比 Yield (APY)0.000%
储蓄 Goal 计算器免责声明

Whether it's a down payment, college, a dream vacation...a savings plan can help you reach your goal. 使用滑块根据时间的长短和每月的金额进行实验.

Simple Loan 计算器免责声明

这个计算器可以12bet游戏平台对一笔简单贷款的月供有一个大致的了解. Move the sliders or type in numbers to get started.

  • 总支付 $0
  • 已付利息总额 $0


Effective Date: January 22, 2024

Longer terms are available.

贷款类型 年度百分比 率1 个月
6.24%2 63
2014 - 2018
7.24%2 48
8.24%2 48

1贷款账户的年百分比利率(APR), 2024年1月22日生效. All rates and terms are subject to change. 利率 and terms are subject to individual credit approval. 请致电1-844-468-3628或访问您当地的分支机构获取更多信息.

基本年度百分比利率(APR)是广告利率,可以根据信誉而变化, 汽车时代, 里程, 贷款条件. Financing up to the retail value of the auto is available. 访问10信用合作社分支机构或致电1-844-468-3628与信贷员交谈,以确定您符合条件的利率. 与信贷员讨论选项并选择您有资格获得的利率.

例如, 10,000 borrowed at 6.24% APR for 60 months = $194.45 /月.

相信它! 货币市场利率

Effective Date: February 1, 2024

最小开度 术语 年度百分比 率1 年度百分比 Yield2 股息认为3
$2,500.00 每天 0.10% 0.10% 每月

1 年度百分比 率 = APR. 你每年为借钱而支付的成本,包括费用,是以百分比表示的. 年利率是借贷成本的一个更广泛的衡量标准,因为它反映了利率和你必须支付的贷款费用. 年度百分比 Yields may vary. Maintenance or activity fees may reduce earnings. 优惠等级利率将在账户的全部余额中赚取.

年利率如有变动,恕不另行通知. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

3 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户赚取股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.


Effective Date: December 20, 2023

贷款类型 年度百分比
8.49%2 48
8.99%2 48
2013 - 2017
9.99%2 48

1 贷款账户的年百分比利率(APR), 2023年2月生效. All rates and terms are subject to change. 利率 and terms are subject to individual credit approval. 请致电1-844-468-3628或访问您当地的分支机构获取更多信息.

2 年度百分比利率(APR)是基于申请人的信用历史和信用资格, the age of the vehicle, and the terms of the loan. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. 费率及条款如有更改,可随时撤回. 其他条件和限制可根据所资助的休闲车辆适用. 向你的十信用合作社信贷员询问具体信息. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. 优惠不适用于目前与十信用合作社融资的贷款.

证书 & 投资率


Effective Date: February 1, 2024

术语 年度百分比 率1 年度
91天(3个月) 0.55% 0.55% 季度
182天(6个月) 1.10% 1.10% 季度
7月 1.20% 1.20% 季度
9个月 1.29% 1.30% 季度
12个月 1.54% 1.55% 季度
18个月 1.74% 1.75% 季度
24个月 1.99% 2.00% 季度
36个月 2.67% 2.70% 季度
48个月 2.67% 2.70% 季度
60个月 2.67% 2.70% 季度

1 年度百分比 率 = APR. 你每年为借钱而支付的成本,包括费用,是以百分比表示的. 年利率是借贷成本的一个更广泛的衡量标准,因为它反映了利率和你必须支付的贷款费用.

年利率如有变动,恕不另行通知. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

3 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户赚取股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.


Effective Date: February 1, 2024

产品 年度百分比 率1 年度百分比 Yield2 最小开度 Minimum to Earn Dividends 股息认为3
Experience 检查 0.30% 0.30% $5.00 $10,000


免费检查 0% 0% $5.00 $0.00  
重新检查 0% 0% $5.00 $0.00  

1 年度百分比 率 = APR. 每年借款的成本,包括费用,以百分比表示. 年利率是一个更广泛的成本衡量标准,因为它反映了利率和你为获得贷款而必须支付的费用.

年利率如有变动,恕不另行通知. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

3 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户在期末获得股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.

抵押贷款 & Home Refinance Loan 利率

Call us for our current low rates: (615) 244-1910.

1 年利率= APR是一个基于指数加上保证金的变量. APR基于对申请人信用资格和相关LTV比率的评估. Available on new HELOCs only. Your actual APR may vary. 所有余额将按可变年利率为您的账户产生利息. The variable APR, as low as 4.4月25%, 是根据《12bet游戏平台》披露的最优惠利率计算的, plus or minus a margin based on your credit history. The variable rate is subject to change each quarter thereafter, as stipulated by your original terms and conditions. The maximum APR is 18%. 所有价格和优惠截至2020年4月4日,如有更改,恕不另行通知. Other conditions may apply. Advance amounts must be within your existing credit limit. 您可能无法偿还或支付其他十信用合作社贷款, 信用卡, or accounts with these proceeds. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. Please get in touch with us 了解更多信息rmation.


Effective Date: December 20, 2023

一年 年度百分比
2023年至今 > 3,000 miles
8.49%2 48 Longer terms available
8.99%2 48 Longer terms available
2013 - 2017
9.99%2 48 Longer terms available

1 贷款账户的年百分比利率(APR), 2023年2月生效. All rates and terms are subject to change. 利率 and terms are subject to individual credit approval. 请致电1-844-468-3628或访问您当地的分支机构获取更多信息.

2 年度百分比利率(APR)是基于申请人的信用历史和信用资格, the age of the vehicle, and the terms of the loan. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. 费率及条款如有更改,可随时撤回. 其他条件和限制可根据所资助的休闲车辆适用. 向你的十信用合作社信贷员询问具体信息. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. 该提议不适用于目前由Ten Credit Union提供融资的贷款.


Effective Date: December 20, 2023

贷款类型 年度百分比
Signature (个人) 11.49%2 24 Longer 术语s Available.
个人 Line of Credit 13.65%2    
证书 Secured Starting at Deposit APY + 2.00% 36 $3,000 Minimum Amount. Longer 术语s Available.

1 贷款账户的年百分比利率(APR), 2023年2月生效. All rates and terms are subject to change. 利率 and terms are subject to individual credit approval. 请致电1-844-468-3628或访问您当地的分支机构获取更多信息.

利率和期限是基于申请人的信誉评估. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Other restrictions may apply. Offer is subject to change without notice. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. 这笔贷款的首付款可延期60天. 如果你只支付最低金额,延迟付款将会延迟你的贷款的偿还,并导致额外的财务费用. The 60-day deferral program is subject to change at any time.

Prime 货币市场利率


Effective Date: February 1, 2024

层水平 年度百分比s 率1


最高2499美元 0.10% 0.10% 季度
$2,500 0.25% 0.25% 季度
$10,000 0.30% 0.30% 季度
$25,000 0.35% 0.35% 季度
$50,000 0.40% 0.40% 季度
$100,000 0.45% 0.45% 季度
$300,000 0.50% 0.50% 季度

1 年度百分比 率 = APR. 每年借款的成本,包括费用,以百分比表示. 年利率是一个更广泛的成本指标,因为它反映了利率和你为获得贷款必须支付的费用.

年利率如有变动,恕不另行通知. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

3 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户赚取股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.

Recreational Vehicle 贷款

(Marine, 旅游房车, Campers, ATV, and UTVs)

Effective Date: January 22, 2024

贷款类型 年度百分比
2023年至今 8.49%2 (新) 48 Longer terms are available.
2019年至今 8.99%2 (使用; Refinance) 48 Longer terms are available
2014 - 2018 9.99%1 (使用; Refinance) 48 Longer terms  are available
2013年-高龄 9.99%1 (使用; Refinance) 36 Longer terms  are available

1 年利率=贷款账户的年利率,2024年1月生效. All rates and terms are subject to change. 利率 and terms are subject to individual credit approval. 请致电1-844-468-3628或访问您当地的分支机构获取更多信息.

2 年利率= APR是基于申请人的信用历史和信用资格, the age of the vehicle, and the terms of the loan. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. 费率及条款如有更改,可随时撤回. 其他条件和限制可根据所资助的休闲车辆适用. 向你的十信用合作社信贷员询问具体信息. Membership with Ten Credit Union is required to obtain a loan. 该提议不适用于目前由Ten Credit Union提供融资的贷款.

Share 证书 Promotions

Effective Date: May 23, 2024

术语 最小开度 股息认为2
5.00% 9个月3 $25,000.00 季度
4.50% 18或24个月4 $10,000.00 季度

1 APY = 年度百分比 Yield. APY is subject to change without notice. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

2 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户在期末获得股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.

3 到期后为9个月的股票凭证及利率, 该股票将以当时的市场价格展期为9个月的股票, 分别. 此优惠只适用于新存款,开户最低存款金额为25,000美元.

4 到期后期限为18个月的股票凭证及利率, 该股票将以当时的市场价格展期为18个月的股票, 分别. 此优惠适用于新入金,开户最低存款为$10,000. 4 到期后为24个月的股票凭证及利率, 该股票将以当时的市场价格展期为24个月的股票, 分别. 此优惠适用于新入金,开户最低存款为$10,000.

Shares 率 Schedule

Effective Date: February 1, 2024

产品 年度百分比 率1 年度百分比 Yield2 最小开度 Minimum to Earn Dividends3 股息认为4
分享储蓄 0.10% 0.10% $5.00 $250.00 季度
圣诞节俱乐部 0.15% 0.15% $0.00 $100.00 季度
夏天的乐趣 0.15% 0.15% $0.00 $100.00 季度
爱尔兰共和军积累 0.20% 0.20% $100.00 $250.00 季度
罗斯IRA 0.20% 0.20% $100.00 $250.00 季度

1 年度百分比 率 = APR. 每年借款的成本,包括费用,以百分比表示. 年利率是一个更广泛的成本衡量标准,因为它反映了利率和你为获得贷款而必须支付的费用.

年利率如有变动,恕不另行通知. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. 十信用合作社的会员资格需要开一个证明. After the certificate matures, 除非您另有说明,否则证书将自动按当前费率续期. Withdrawal of dividends before maturity will reduce earnings. 所有其他适用条款见股份和投资利率表.

3 股息按季度获得,并使用平均每日余额法计算.

4 股息贷记:利率表规定了股息的复利和贷记频率以及适用于每个账户的股息期. 股息期是指账户在期末获得股息的一段时间. 它开始于该期间的第一个日历日,结束于该期间的最后一个日历日.

VISA Rewards Credit Card


13.65%  N/A No 年度 Fee; No Balance Transfer 费用

1 年度百分比利率(APR)截止到2023年6月,基于申请人的信用历史和信用资格. APRs are variable and currently range from 13.65% to 17.99% based on the applicant's creditworthiness. 该年利率将根据《12bet游戏平台》披露的优惠利率随市场而变化, plus or minus a margin based on your credit history. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. All rates and terms are subject to change. 要成为Ten Credit Union的会员,必须持有信用卡. With CU Rewards, earn one point for every dollar spent. Certain other restrictions may apply.